Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Procedure

  • To cancel a reservation, guests must contact the hotel directly via phone or email.
  • The cancellation will be confirmed via email, and any applicable fees will be processed at that time.


  • Refunds for cancellations made within the free cancellation period will be processed within 7 business days.
  • Refunds for cancellations made outside the free cancellation period will be processed after deducting applicable fees.

Amendments to the Policy

  • The hotel reserves the right to amend the cancellation policy for special events, high-demand periods, or specific packages. Any such amendments will be communicated to guests at the time of booking.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Cancellation Policy or our data practices, please contact us.

Thank you for choosing Iroomz. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.